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East Midlands Parchment Exhibition

East Midlands Parchment Exhibition

6th October 2018, 10am to 4pm

Venue is the Kegworth Hotel and Conference Centre

Packington Hill,  Kegworth DE74 2DF

There will be many parchment tutors and enthusiasts who will have their own style of parchment work on show

and who will be willing to answer questions and share techniques with all.

Mini workshops (make n takes)  will be taking place throughout the day by Academy Tutors.

Meryl will be using PCA Embossing Templates, designed especially for Craft-e-Liza for her make and takes.

The Academy of Independent Parchment Craft Tutors will be represented, by Pat Murphy

along with other academy tutors

Parchment Lace will be represented by Jayne Treadwell.

Craft-e-Liza will have many craft items for sale including parchment tools and equipment.

A raffle prize draw with exceptional 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes along with three others prizes on offer.

Advanced Tickets Price £5.50

Door Price £8.00

To purchase advanced tickets contact Meryl Marriott on 01623 460315